Vanessa Poole
Actress & Voiceover Artist (UK/Sweden/Denmark)

Below are just a few samples and extracts of Vanessa's recent work:
Filmed monologue on stage (extract) dramatic comedy (2018):
Trailer for stage play (2017):
TV series female lead SVT/UR Max's Movie, clip extract (2015):​
Corporate film: lead role: Intelligence, Germany:​
Stand up comedy show, extract (2014):​
Web series lead role "Have A Nice Stay" (2018):
Infomercial voiceover /corporate (2016):
TV advert voiceover (2015)/ European distribution:
Trailer for stage play (2018):
Monologue on stage/(extract) comedic irony (2017)
Voiceover for infomercial (2017) European distribution:​
Infomercial voiceover, (2018) international distribution:
UNESCO documentaries
UNESCO documentaries
I am the voice of UNESCO's documentaries for worldwide distribution.
Voiceover for educational video, worldwide distribution: TV advert V/O (2019) global distribution: (click)