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Vanessa Poole

Member of Teaterförbundet/ Scen o Film/ the the Swedish Union for Performing Arts & Film

Member of Spotlight UK​​​

 Playing age 45 to 55.

British national/ Swedish passport, native English speaker BBC English/RP
Native language: British English RP. Fluent Swedish. Very good Italian. Some French.


Good lead, character actress. Good at taking direction. Flexible, fast, with excellent comic timing and a broad range of interpretation, clear voice. Have tackled a wide range of roles, from drama, physical theatre, panto, farce, to contemporary, Shakespearean roles & restoration comedy. Background in dance. Successful voiceover artist.

Brand Associate at HIT INTERNATIONAL THEATRE ARTS Copenhagen/ Malmö/Hamburg
Founding member of theatre company DTRH Copenhagen,
Founding and board member of Playmate theatre company, Malmö.
Associate Producer for Theatre In-Balance Sweden/France


Vanessa works in Copenhagen, Denmark and in Malmö, Southern Sweden where she is based. She also teaches English and drama at college level.Vanessa started performing in English radio plays and recording for schools when she was 8 in Malta, took acting and dance lessons, and has over 30 years experience of acting in English, on stage, some film work, voiceovers and recording for advertising, corporate film and on radio. She has had drama, performance and voice training in Sweden, Denmark and the UK.
Good ear for most and a variety of native English accents : US, mid-Atlantic, Irish, Scottish, Australian ect.

Current roles: 
1) Clare in THE TWO CHARACTER PLAY by Tennessee Williams; a Playmate Theatre Malmö/HIT production in Malmö 2024/2025

1) Fores(t)empest by Mariana Araoz. Female lead Miranda. Trans Mission Research Sverige/Collectif Masque France 2023. Premiered 2023 at Skillinge Teater/Lund Dir M. Araoz. Touring Sweden/Copenhagen/Paris in 2025.


Max’s Movie. Sara, Max's mother. Produced for Swedish television. Way Creative for UR, SVT. (2013/2014)

Web series

Have Nice Stay, female lead. Produced for Michael Jus Buus with Rasmus Flensburg. SEries & Shorts. Copenhagen (2017)


Telligence 5: Ascom medical informercial/ comercia. Female lead. Pop Hunters Sweden/ Germany, (2017)


Ikea First Line of Defence Assurance. Female lead. Global. Symbal. Malmö. (2018)

Computer game voiceovers

Candy Crush - global distribution, mobile phone gaming app.
Rain of Reflections. Multiple voices/ characters. Lionbite Games. Stockholm (20018)
Zelenhgorm: Episode 1, Land of the blue Moon (2002)
Live streaming /RPG on Twitch
Commander Vex in Starfinder campaign "Free Zach" . Dir: Markku Lorentz.  A Pengu Studios independent, homebrew production,  Lund, Sweden. (2021)

Voiceover Educational material

Female narration & characters for online school material teaching and lessons. Binogi in Canada/Sweden. Stockholm (2019 - 2022)
UNESCO documentary voiceovers. Global.  Ongoing. FilmArt. Dir Peter Nordqvist

Recent Theatre Roles: Lead female: in Scandinavia

​THE TWO CHARACTER PLAY by Tennessee Williams. A Nordic premiere. At Bastionen, Malmö. Directed by Lars Junggreen. Playmate/HIT (2024/2025)
SURVIVORS by Billy O'Shea. A world premiere. Malmö 2024. Maggie, a staged , dramatised reading directed by Henrik Norman.
Lullaby for a Grown Man by Keren Klimovsky. A Nordic premiere. Malmö 2024.The mother; a staged , dramatised reading directed by E Kelessidi
HAP by John Foster.  Female joint lead Hap.  A guest performance at Teatret ved Sorte Hest, Copenhagen spring 2024. Directed by Paul Glaser,
(English Theatre of Hamburg.) A HIT production.
Fores(t)empest by M Araoz. Female lead Miranda. Trans Mission Research Sverige/Collectif Masque France.  Skillinge Teater/Lund Dir M. Araoz (2023)
Vodka Talks by Arne Nielsen. Joint female lead Freya. Teatret ved Sorte Hest, Copenhagen. Dir. Lars Junggren ( 2023)
Vodka Talks by Arne Nielsen. Joint female lead Freya. HIT INTERNATIONAL THEATRE ARTS ) Malmö Dir. Lars Junggren (2022)
Sunday in Sodom by Jordan Tannahill. Female lead Edith. Playmate Theatre Malmö (2022.) Malmö/Lund Dir. Matthew Short (2022)
HAP by John Foster. Female lead Hap. HIT INTERNATIONAL THEATRE ARTS  Dir. Paul Glaser (English Theatre of Hamburg)(2021)
Sy​lvia by A R Gurney. Female lead Kate. Playmate Theatre Malmö  Dir: Joseph Sherlock. (2020.)

The Clean House. Joint female lead Virginia. Down the Rabbithole,Copenhagen/Manus Arts Hamburg for HIT (2019) Dir: J. Thomas-Poulsen (2019)

The Goat or Who is Sylvia? Lead female Stevie. Playmate Theatre Malmö. Directed by Boel Marie Larsson. (Malmö /Copenhagen  2019)

Quality Street A Night at the Theatre. Lead female. Playmate Theatre Malmö. Directed by Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen ( 2018)

Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. Lead Sonia. Down the Rabbithole Theatre ,Copenhagen. Dir: Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen.(  2018)

Lettice and Lovage. Joint female lead Lotte Schoen. Playmate Theatre, Malmö. Director: Robin Gott ( 2018)

Lovers, Authors & other Strangers. Joint female lead. HIT House of International Theatre. Copenhagen. ( 2017) Dir: Jeremy Thomas

Talking Heads. Female lead Lesley. Playmate Theatre, Malmö/ Copenhagen. Director: Annalisa Rossi. (2017)

Venus in Fur. Vanda. Down the Rabbithole Theatre , Copenhagen. Dir: Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen. HIT. ( 2017 /September 2017 Malmö)

Det Kolde Bord: 48 hour chaos theatre project. HIT- House of International Theatre, Copenhagen. Director Lars Jungreen ( 2017)

Elsie & Norm's MacBeth. Elsie. Down the Rabbithole Theatre , Copenhagen, Jersey, Roskilde. (  2016)

A Chip in the Sugarbowl adapted from Talking Heads by Alan Bennet. Lesley. Core/ Playmate Productions. Malmö. ( 2016)

Pygmalian. Mrs. Pearce / Mrs. Higgins. Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen. Krudttönden ( 2015)

The Shawl. Miss A. Etzel Cardena. Lund & Kirsebergsteatern, Malmö, ITM( 2015)

The Fast Show: a standup review. Krudttönden Cphgn (2014)

The Dining Room. Woman 1. Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen. Krudttönden Cph (2014)

Far Away. Harper. Etzel Cardena. ITM, Malmö & Krudttönden Cph ( 2014)

The City. Jenny. Barry McKenna. ( 2013)

The Stronger. Madam X. Etzel Cardena. ITM, Malmö & at Krudttönden Cph (2013)

Calendar Girls. Ruth. Barry McKenna. Krudttönden Cph (2012)

Unveiling. Vera. Etzel Cardena. ITM, Lund/ Malmö/Copenhagen (2011)


Vanessa Poole has recorded more than 50 quality English language voiceover jobs and corporate film appearances for over 30 years for valued and international clients such as Unesco, Ikea, Tetra Pak, Scandline, Candy Crush, Sandvik Ascom, been permanent V/O artist for Binogi educational video worldwide for 3 years. Vanessa has an ear for most native English and non-native accents.


Roles in Malta and at the National Theatre in Malta ( 1991-97)

Vaclav Havel’s Temptation. Maggie.

MacBeth. Second witch.

The Mandrake Root. Lucrezia

School for Scandal. Lady Teazle.

Pack of Lies. Julie Jackson

Brighton Beach Memoirs. Nora.

Beauty & the Beast. Fairy Frou Frou.

Blythe Spirit. Elvira.

Dancing at Lughnasa. Chris.
Much Ado About Nothing. Hero.


Vanessa studied acting as a child with Marylu Coppini/ Independent Actress & dialect Coach/ Artistic Director( 1985) & as an adult with Emmy Abrahamsson ( who has an M.A.(RADA) in Text and Performance.) (Malmö 2010.) Voice class with Kay Standen/(graduate of the Birmingham Conservatoire (UK) (Malmö 2010). Alexander Technique workshop with Robin Gott /(Qualified Alexander technique instructor)(Malmö 2011.) Tony Grahn Actor & Acting Technique/ The Actor & Tension Workshop (The Actors Centre (UK) guest lecturer at the Amsterdam Film School) (Malmö 2012.) Petter Barve method acting class (Drama Studio, London/Malmö 2013). Giles Foreman Centre for Acting, London ( coaching by Dylan Brown, Giles Foreman, Simone Reynolds) ( Aug 2015). Scene Study classes with Laurence Mitchell; Drama Centre London, Royal Central School/ CISPA Copenhagen (September 2015), masterclasses in method acting with Kirk Baktz in Copenhagen, in performance, voice, interpretation with Patsy Rodenburg, Declan Donnelan (2016),Judy Kuhn (2019) (Copenhagen Actors Union), mask work with Mariana Araoz, (Collectif Masque/ National Drama School of Sweden short course/Teaterhögskolan Malmö(2017/2020) , Acting for Camera short course, ( Royal Central School Of Speech & Drama, London) (June 202.), Barbara Houseman masterclass 2021 at DDSKS, Copenhagen.

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